Yesterday, Realme launched two new smartphones with the name of Realme X and Realme 3i in event at New Delhi. The event began with Realme announcing that the company is now the second largest in India in terms of online mobile sales. The company announced a repair project and claimed it'll repair your phone within 30 minutes. This repair project is announced for Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad, Bangalore, and Chennai.
Realme X specifications and price
Realme X comes with the 6.53-inch full HD+ display with a 19.5:9 aspect ratio. Realme X has a 16-megapixel pop-up selfie camera, and an in-display fingerprint sensor. The smartphone has a 48-megapixel primary sensor and a 5-megapixel secondary sensor. It has the Qualcomm Snapdragon 710 SoC, and is available in two variants in India -- 4GB RAM, 128GB storage, and 8GB RAM, 128GB storage. This smartphone does not have expandable storage. Realme X battery capacity is 3,765mAh. Realme X has Dolby Atmos support too. The smartphone have Android Pie with the ColorOs 6 skin. Realme X is available in two colours -- Polar White and Space Blue. Realme launched special Spiderman edition too of Realme X.
If we talk about price in india then, Rs. 16,999 (INR) for the 4GB RAM with 128GB storage and Rs. 19,999 (INR) for the 8GB RAM with 128GB storage. And the price of Realme X special Spiderman edition is Rs 20,999 (INR).
RealmeX will go on sale from July 24 at 12pm and it will be available on Flipkart and Realme's online store.
Click here to know about Dark mode feature in Realme devices.
Realme 3i specifications and price
Realme 3i is a budget smartphone. Realme 3i comes with the 6.22-inch HD+ display with a 19.5:9 aspect ratio. Realme 3i is powered by the MediaTek Helio P60 SoC. Device has the 13-megapixel front camera and a dual rear camera setup with a 13-megapixel primary sensor and a 2-megapixel depth sensor. It has a diamond cut pattern at the back. Realme 3i is based on Android 9.0 with the ColorOs 6.0 skin. Realme 3i is available in 3 colours -- Diamond Blue, Diamond Black and Diamond Red.
If we talk about price in india then, Rs. 7,999 (INR) for the 3GB RAM with 32GB storage and Rs. 9,999 (INR) for the 4GB RAM with 64GB storage.
Realme 3i will go on sale from July 23 at 12pm and it will be available on Flipkart and Realme's online store.
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